Intellectual outputs

Based on the already identified needs & existing deficiencies in the educational system, the methodological framework describes the approaches and methods that will be applied in the training course, while also outlining the structure, roadmap and the main points of the training process that will help achieve our project’s goals.

Aimed at helping university professors develop their personal & professional competencies and learn how to work in ICC environment as well as how to overcome the ethnical stereotypes & prejudices in the educational process. It will guide the professors thought the contemporary approaches, methods and tools in ethno-pedagogy, ethno-phycology & intercultural education.

Provides practical insight on how the taught methods & techniques can be applied in everyday life. It will also include interactive tests & exercises that will support the teachers in the learning process.

Provides the link between working in such environments & supporting the inclusion of vulnerable groups. It will support the social inclusion process in the universities.

Enrollment and access to E-learning platform (Moodle) for attending the UniCulture online training.

The UniCulture training kit (the Handbook, the Workbook and the Manual for trainers) was piloted in the second year of the project in all partner countries to collect feedback from the target group on the developed learning materials and on the Moodle E-learning Platform. The piloting methodology was discussed and agreed by partners to provide a similar format, but also to allow flexibility to be adapted according to participants needs and the meetings format (required by the epidemiological restrictions generated by Covid-19 pandemic).