In his speech for the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, Esteban González Pons stated in front of the European parliament: “Europe is not a market, it is the will to live together. …”. However, this will and ability to live together is a process that starts in school and lasts for as long as we live.
University education and the academic years play a crucial role in that process.
These are the times and the places where young people learn to communicate efficiently and with respect to others’ opinion based on experience, knowledge, skills and abilities. It is up to the university professors along with students themselves to foster specific attitudes against intolerance, ignorance or discrimination Therefore, it is of extreme importance that the university professors & assistants are well prepared and educated to support students to argue and develop their points of view without prejudices and complexes.
The main aim of the UniCulture project is to develop an innovative, holistic and interactive approach for training university professors & teaching staff to conduct educational processes in an intercultural environment. Moreover, UniCulture will enhance the access & active participation of students from vulnerable groups & minorities in the educational & social processes in universities. Thus, it will foster the social inclusion and will fight the discrimination patterns in society.