The piloting process of the UniCulture training package has been conducted from July to September 2021 by all partners following several steps. The piloting aim was to gather feedback from the target groups in order to implement the adjustments, refinements and corrections for the developed materials and for the e-learning platform. In Romania and the United Kingdom, the piloting was conducted fully face-to-face, in Bulgaria was fully online, while in Poland and Croatia it was conducted in a hybrid format (face-to face and online meetings).
The main steps of the training piloting were:
- UNITBV configured the e-learning platform and provided full access to trainers;
the recruited participants were required to register on the e-learning dedicated platform, being enrolled by trainers to the UniCulture course;
- participants performed the initial assessment on the e-learning platform, consisting on two stages: knowledge assessment and motivation assessment;
- participants were provided with full access to the training materials: the Handbook, the Workbook and the Manual for trainers and instructed on the modules required to focus for an in-depth analysis;
- trainers presented the selected content in several training sessions, when the content was discussed, reviewed and debated;
- trainees participated in the online per-module evaluation and had access to self-evaluation quizzes for self-assessment;
participants (trainees and trainers) filled the feedback questionnaire and reviewed the content of the final evaluation test;
feedback on the developed outputs and e-learning platform accessibility was collected in detail by dialog and additional tools (such as Google forms) were needed.
- all partners provided a piloting report for the development of the current integrated report.